Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PLAY NICE !!! Some ground rules for networking

I've been recently struck by the emergence of so many new networking, off-line, cyber, social, cyber-social. Everyone it seems is hitching their car to the networking train. And while I'm a big proponent of networking in all of its forms, it does require a few ground rules. So in the spirit of the "Top 10" from most late night shows, here's my Top 5:

#5. Focus. Don't join networking groups that are in no way related to your career, goals, passions or hobbies. You can easily become overwhelmed and distracted by joining too may groups.

#4. Develop a professional email account. After all, who wants to network with or There are other types of "networking" sites for that. Nuff said.

#3. Stay engaged. Dead weight is no fun even in cyber space. The group only works if everyone participates.

#2. Know your stuff. Only comment and provide information and expertise on subjects that you know about. This also helps the group determine its strenghts and where there might be opportunities to invite other people.

#1. Give as good as you get. Networking is about seeking help and guidance when you need it and providing it when someone else needs it. Don't only think of your needs. For every person that you solicit help from find one person who you can help.

This is all really basic stuff but as a colleague of mine often reminds me "common knowledge isn't always common practice".

1 comment:

Brock-fish said...

Great post! I'm so over-acquainted with networking sites that I catch myself going through the motions with no goals in mind.. But we sometimes forget that these sites are tools, not just toys!