Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Get your mind right!!! Rising Up!

During a time when unemployment is at an historic high, it's hard to resist the temptation to be very reactive when it comes to searching for that next opportunity. Most people have a tendency to just start "doing" things (i.e. revising their resume, going through their address book, stalking the online job boards, etc.). While all of these activites are certainly part of an effective job/opportunity search, there's a preliminary activity that I assert is more important than all the others combined. My grandmother called it "getting your mind right". By that she meant take some time to assess and adjust how you are thinking BEFORE you DO anything. The simple wisdom of elders is so profound!

Without taking time to identify how you THINK about work, the marketplace and your place in it, the job or opportunity search becomes a meaningless activity. As Coach Kevin Johnson admonished our listeners, you need to put your job/opportunity search in the context of your personal and professional purpose. For some, getting a pink slip could be just the needed nudge to move them into a more purposeful life and career.

So if you're currently unemployed, think you might be the next recipient of a pink slip or are voluntarily making a career transition, this show can help!! Check out the podcast for the Rising Up! show titled Laid Off: Strategies for the Unemployed to hear more!

Also thanks to our caller Victoria from Chicago, IL. We wish you luck with your upcoming career fair. For those of you in the Chicagoland area, here's the information:

VJS Enterprises Career Fair & Expo
May 30, 2009

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